Karel Emanuel Macan Library and Printing Press for the Blind, Ve Smečkách 15, Prague 1

In accordance with the statutes of the Karel Emanuel Macan Library and Printing Press for the Blind, ref. no. 1988/2002, no. 2/2002 dated 8 February 2002 and according to paragraph 4 section 6 of Act no. 257/2001 Coll. (hereinafter referred to as the Libraries Act), I hereby issue these Library Rules (hereinafter abbreviated as LR).

According to paragraph 4 section 5 of the Libraries Act, the library ensures the rights of citizens to free and equal access to information, thus fulfilling the purpose of article 17 paragraph 4 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. The principle of equal access to information is reinforced by the fact that selected public library and information services are provided free of charge. At the same time, equal access does not exclude the possibility of preferences for certain groups of users in the library (e.g. preference for students of primary and secondary schools or universities, musicians, teachers etc.).

The activity of the library further connects to article 17 paragraph 5 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and to Act no. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information.

The activities of the library are further outlined by the following legal prescriptions:

  1. Decree of Ministry of Culture no. 88/2002 Coll., on the implementation of Act no. 257/2001 Coll., on libraries and the conditions of operation of public library and information services (Libraries Act);
  2. Act no. 122/2000 Coll., on protection of a museum character and on the amendment to certain acts;
  3. Act no. 46/2000 Coll., on rights and obligations upon publication of periodical press and on the amendment to certain acts (Press Act);
  4. Act no. 89/1995 Coll., on the state statistical service, as amended by Act no. 356/1999 Coll.;
  5. Act no. 121/2000 Coll., on copyright, on rights in connection with copyright and on the amendment to certain acts (Copyright Act);
  6. Act no. 101/2000 Coll, on the protection of personal data and on the amendment to certain acts.

The K.E. Macan Library and Printing Press for the Blind (hereinafter referred to as LPPB), in accordance with act no. 257/2001 Coll., on libraries and on the conditions of operation of public libraries and information services (Libraries Act), is a library with a universal library resource, which operates in the field of mediating information for visually impaired citizens. It permanently houses a conservation resource. The LPPB ensures equal access for all to public and information services and other provided services.

In order to fulfil the purpose for which it was established, the LPPB performs the activities stipulated by the Libraries Act (LA), other connected activities and provides further services, namely:

  1. supplements, processes, protects, provides access to and stores the universal library resource, and on the basis thereof supplements, processes, protects, provides access to and permanently stores the conservation resource;
  2. selectively supplements, processes, protects, provides access to and stores specialised resources of other library documents;
  3. obtains library documents by means of a mandatory printout, purchase, gifts and exchange, including international exchange of publications in accordance with the Convention concerning International Exchange of Publications and the Convention concerning the International Exchange of Official Publications and Government Documents between States;
  4. provides public library and information services in accordance with the LA and LR;
  5. provides written bibliographic, referential and factographic information and searches;
  6. obtains, mines and utilises databases;
  7. issues audio publications and printed materials in Braille and large print;
  8. issues and disseminates periodical press and non-periodical publications, thematically linked to the purpose of the establishment and activities of the library;
  9. digitises texts for the requirements of the visually impaired;
  10. provides cultural services to visually impaired students, musicians and other interest groups;
  11. produces printed materials in Braille and embossed graphics;
  12. obtains and disseminates audio recordings;
  13. provides, sells and distributes products and aids to visually impaired citizens;
  14. provides information services in connection with the subject of activity;
  15. produces printed reproductions free of charge in connection with the provision of public library and information services;
  16. ensures cultural, educational and lecturing activity for the purpose of presenting its library resources, services and social significance;
  17. ensures promotion of the subject of its activity;
  18. performs activities ensuing from the subject of activity and in relation to securing the operation of publicly accessible areas, in particular providing advertising and promotional services in presenting its activities.

The LPPB provides users with public library and information services (hereinafter referred to as the services) in the manner outlined in the relevant provisions of the LA, in particular according to paragraphs 4 and 14.

These are especially:

  1. lending services
    1. borrowing by withdrawal – department of personal lending
    2. borrowing by withdrawal – department of dispatch services
  2. inter-library services
    1. inter-library lending services within Czech Republic
    2. international inter-library services
  3. circulation services
    1. travelling resources
  4. copying services
  5. information services
    1. advisory service – information about catalogues, resources and use of library
    2. bibliographic-information service – information of a bibliographic and factographic character and configuration of searches
    3. location-information service – determination and information about availability of resources
    4. access to databases, both local and internet
    5. consultation service
  6. electronic services
  7. promotional services
    1. new features service and issue of lists of new additions to library resource
    2. issue of lists of larger units of library resource
    3. presentations at exhibitions
    4. organisation of seminars
    5. organisation of instruction sessions about library, excursions
    6. issuing of fliers with information about library, catalogues, library resource etc.
    7. library website
    8. organisation of lectures, discussions and similar events for users
  8. special services
    1. transcription into Braille
    2. audio recordings
    3. musical manuscript materials
    4. texts in digital form

LPPB provides basic services free of charge according to paragraph 4 section 2 of LA.

LPPB charges fees (coverage of expended costs) for copying services and certain specialised services. A financial deposit may be demanded for these fees.

A natural person may become a use of the LPPB on the basis of a completed user application form.

In the sense of Act no. 101/2000 Coll., on protection of personal data and on the amendment to certain acts, as amended by the later prescriptions, the library is an administrator of personal data. According to paragraph 4 of Act no. 101/2000 Coll, personal data is any data relating to a specific person whose identity can be determined directly or indirectly from the personal data. Within the conditions of the library this concerns in particular address and identification data of users or data concerning their lending or other transactions.

Upon processing personal data, LPPB proceeds according to the act, these LR and the other generally binding legal prescriptions. Personal data is processed by the library's own employees by an automated method; handling of personal data is legally dealt with by a third party. The library processes only true and precise personal data, and is registered with the Office for Personal Data Protection.

The purpose for which the library collects and processes personal data is protection of property and library resources, quality of the provided services or fulfilment of the obligations imposed on the library by the generally binding legal prescriptions, in particular the following acts:

  1. no. 257/2001 Coll., on libraries and the conditions of operation of public library and information services – LA;
    1. inventory of the library resource is conducted according to Act no. 257/2001;
  2. no. 353/2001 Coll., on accountancy, as amended by the later prescriptions;
  3. no. 121/2000 Coll., on copyright, on rights in connection with copyright and on the amendment to certain acts – Copyright Act.

LPPB requires the following data for registration:

  1. basic user identification data
    1. surname, first name, address of permanent residence, address of temporary residence, date of birth, confirmation of ophthalmologist or copy of disabled person's licence.
    2. user is obliged to state this data and permit the processing thereof by the library if he/she wishes to make use of the library within the full scope
    3. services (in personal lending) for which the library requires a valid library user card can be provided only to users who agree to the processing of their personal data within the scope stipulated by the LA
    4. for the purpose of securing the protection of its rights and obligations, the library takes care to prevent multiple registration of users in the library database; the basic data used by the library for identification of users is the personal number.
  2. further contact data of user (if stated)
    1. academic titles, other possible contacts for user (telephone number, fax, e-mail etc.)
  3. in the case of users who are minors, the legal representative of the user is liable for the accuracy of the basic identification data

The library also administers the following data about users:

  1. data used for statistical purposes and the purposeful development of library resources (if stated by the user) – e.g. user's highest level of education, field of employment or study, priorities of interest according to disciplines, knowledge of Braille etc.
  2. service data
    1. data on issued and cancelled user cards (only for personal lending)
    2. data on “transactions” - implementation of order, registration of lending, extension, sent reminders or comments relating to breach of provisions of LR up to time of settlement.

LPPB handles personal data of users according to the regulations stated in these LR.

An electronic user is understood to be a reader who orders books, sheet music, Braille paper, calendars etc. via e-mail. The catalogue of books from which books are selected is stored on the LPPB server. The server sends the order automatically to LPPB as soon as the reader completes the selection by agreeing. Electronic users must be regularly registered readers of LPPB. No further registration is required for use of an electronic order. Readers must merely request their personal number (if unknown) by telephone, in person or by e-mail from LPPB (library department).

An electronic user is also understood to be a reader who makes use of the services of the digital library – after meeting the fundamental conditions:

  1. registered reader of LPPB
  2. recommendation of ophthalmologist or copy of disabled person's licence
  3. declaration with certified signature (see appendix no. 2)

As soon as the user meets these conditions, they can login at www.ktn.cz – digital library – and complete the form: login e-mail address, reader number, and request a password and send it. The relevant employee will check all the sent data, and if the data is correct will confirm access. In the case of discrepancies the user will be informed immediately.

Users are obliged to abide by the LR and the instructions of the library employees. They must be subjected to the set inspection measures which are necessary for maintaining order and protecting the property of the library. Users are obliged to maintain quiet and order in all areas of the library.

If a user fails to abide by these measures, the right to use the services of the library may be withdrawn from that user. This does not absolve the user of the obligation to compensate any damages caused or of liability according to the valid prescriptions.

Comments, initiatives and proposals for the work of the library may be submitted in writing or verbally to the library managers; by e-mail or telephone on the 24-hour answerphone service of head of the library division.

LPPB provides electronic services via the internet (ordering system, e-mail, information) and by means of diskettes (lending, distribution). At the website http://www.ktn.cz it is possible to obtain general information about the library and its history, contacts for its individual divisions, browse catalogues of lent and sold publications and determine the prices of sold publications. An order system is also located on this website. The program enables selection of titles using the search form. Detailed instructions are displayed on the screen for each stage of selection. After completing selection, one copy of the order form is sent to the library, which sends the reader the selected publications on the basis of this form.

The e-mail address ktn@ktn.cz enables readers and other interested parties to obtain non-standard information, order publications, obtain the periodical electronic flier Informace knihovny and other services.

Information about new titles is sent by this method to regional, municipal and similar libraries. This service is used without limitation.

Users are lent publications from the library resource after searching the required publication. In the dispatch services department according to the written order of the reader, in the department of personal lending following agreement with the relevant employee, publications are delivered to immobile users from Prague following agreement by telephone by means of a courier service. It is also possible to utilise services in the department of personal lending in which the reader or representative thereof (after meeting the conditions designated by these LR) can request copying of titles onto a flash-disk, SD card etc.

Users may also make use of the services of the digital internet library (after meeting the conditions designated by the LR), namely: multimedia digital book player, multimedia digital book reader, downloading of digitised texts, downloading of digitised audio books.

Publications from the library resources are lent to libraries or institutions within the framework of inter-library services, according to Decree of the Ministry of Culture no. 88/2002 Coll.

During the holiday season, i.e. approximately from mid-July to mid-August and in the period between the Christmas holidays, the department of personal lending is usually closed.

Regular opening hours in department of personal lending - Krakovská ul. 23

Lending is implemented in accordance with the library mission. Lending of publications is decided upon by the library in accordance with Act no. 121/2000 Coll., on copyright, on rights in connection with copyright and on the amendment to certain acts – Copyright Act.

The user may have an unspecified number of publications borrowed at one time in the department of personal lending. In the department of dispatch services 1 to 3 publications (according to agreement with user). On the order form it is necessary to state legibly the name of the author, title of the work and accession (signature) number of the publication.

Users submit orders either directly in the library (department of personal lending) or in writing or by telephone. An order legibly written in Braille or Roman lettering, or sent in electronic form (e-mail, electronic ordering system) should contain at least 30 titles (for department of dispatch services).

The library is obliged to search and lend the publication to users at a time which is commensurate to the operational capacities of the library.

In the case of a publication lent to another user – if the same publication is requested at the same time by a number of users – the library shall stipulate an order according to the time of submission of the order.

The lending period for lending to students of primary and secondary schools, university students and musicians is as a rule set at one year.

The lending period for lending of audio and Braille books is set at one month.

The lending period for lending of literature CDs is set at one month, music CDs (only in the department of personal lending) is set at two weeks.

For regular lending the lending period is extended if requested by the user before the elapse of this period.

Users are obliged to return lent publications in the condition in which they borrowed the publications. Upon the return of publications, users are obliged to inform the library of any defect they determined or caused upon handling the publication, always stating the precise nature of the defect of the audio recording – in the case of a damaged cassette the serial number and track of the damaged cassette. Compensation is not demanded for unintentional damage.

Users must not lend borrowed publications to other parties. They are liable for such publications for the entire period during which the publication is lent.

The provisions of the Civil Code on lending of items apply for the lending of library resources.

Users are liable for lent publications up to the time when the library has a record of the loan in the automated lending system.

If a user returns a lent publication by post, the user is obliged to place the audio book (cassette) carefully in the case, affix an elastic band and turn around the address label. CDs and CDs in MP3 format must be placed in a canvas or plastic case, and the address label turned around. It is most suitable to return all cases together on the same date. According to the postal regulations, consignments are exempt from all charges, with the exception of air transport.

If a user fails to return a publication within the set period, the library has the right to suspend the provision of all services to the user until settlement of the matter.

The library may lend a set of publications to libraries and institutions by circulation service on the basis of the conditions stipulated by the individual contract.

According to the nature of the document (e.g. sheet music), the library may provide a copy instead of lending.

Copying services are provided from the library resources upon request from users. The user for whom the copy was produced is obliged to handle the copy in accordance with the provisions of Act no. 121/2000 Coll., Copyright Act.

The library may refuse to produce a copy in the case that production of a copy is in conflict with the legal prescriptions.

Users are obliged to report loss or damage of publications without delay, and to compensate for the damage within the period stipulated by the library.

The library shall decide on the method of compensation for damage.

Users are obliged to compensate for all costs incurred by the library in connection with loss or damage.

Until the method of compensation and payment of all receivables is settled, the library has the right to suspend the provision of all services to the user.

Upon receipt of orders for paid services, the library may demand a deposit which is deducted from the total sum.

Recovery of non-returned loans:

  1. LPPB ensures the return of publications by sending reminders, after three such reminders have been sent a letter from the director of the organisation shall be sent, followed by recovery by legal means;
  2. in the case that the library is forced to commence recovery by legal means, the user shall be obliged to compensate for the costs of legal representation, these costs are governed by the relevant legal arrangement.

Forfeiture of deposit:

  1. if the user fails to abide by the provisions of the LR or the provisions stipulated by the individual contract, the deposit shall be forfeited in full to the library.

Users are obliged to compensate for damages caused directly or due to negligence of their obligations.

In the case of damage, destruction or loss of a publication, the following compensations are required:

  1. for audio books > blank, sealed C-90 cassettes
  2. for CDs > price of data carrier.

For damages caused to other property of the library, the user is liable according to the generally valid prescriptions.

On the basis of the contract, LPPB co-operates with the audio departments of public libraries. Via the audio department in Brno, Hradec Králové, Ostrava, Plzeň, Strakonice and Ústí nad Labem, LPPB lends the whole production of audio books over the long term, with the proviso that its services are used by severely visually disabled citizens. LPPB has a concluded contract with the audio departments of other libraries (see ktn.cz/kontakty), on the basis of which they may provide these services to all physically disabled citizens.

Exemptions from the LR are permitted by the director of LPPB or an employee authorised by the director.

These Library Rules become effective as of 1 April 2016 and replace the Library Rules of 1 January 2010.

  1. Application form for reader of LPPB
  2. Declaration of user of digital library

Prague, 22 March 2016

No records.